Female Talent in Financial & Technology

Let’s reinforce inclusiveness and gender equity

In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services and technology, the importance of diversity extends far beyond a mere catchphrase – it stands as a crucial strategic necessity. Integrating female talent into the realm of IT is not a matter of fulfilling quotas; it represents a pivotal means of harnessing a rich reserve of innovation and ingenuity that can effectively drive our industry ahead.

Numerous studies consistently affirm that teams comprising diverse genders yield superior outcomes. Within the domain of IT, where innovation is the very essence of progress, diverse viewpoints hold immeasurable value. Female professionals in IT bring forth distinctive problem-solving methodologies, foster an environment of inclusivity, and strenghten our capacity to engage with a wide spectrum of clientele.

On 17 November 2023, we had the opportunity to welcome Dr. Sergio Coronado (Founder) and Dr. Anush Manukyan (Co-Founder & Director) from the Luxembourg Tech School, to discover a new initiative aimed at promoting and supporting the integration of female talent to foster greater diversity in the Luxembourg finance workforce. (Virtual event in collaboration with The LHoFT and HRCommunity.lu).

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